
We're Back in Business!

Well, actually, we've been in business this whole time - but now you can see us face to face!

If you have been following along with us, you know that between November 2014 - March 2015 we were off adventuring in Nicaragua with our two young daughters, Lilian (3) and Everlea (1). While we were there we trekked up volcanoes, splashed in the ocean, learned to hand-wash laundry (fo-real), got the real deal scoop on organic coffee, and connected with some pretty amazing organizations that work with Nicaraguan kids in need. You can find out all about those adventures here at my personal blog.

But now we're back, and we've actually worked with two wonderful couples since our return and started booking weddings into 2016! We have 12 more weddings booked this year with a little space for more. These weddings aren't quite wrapped up yet, but here's a sneak peak!

We also have a bridal show lined up for May 2nd at the Gladstone Hotel (see you there?) and have been working alongside other adventurers in some awesome personal projects, like an audition tape for a dream job, and promotional material for a new Toronto church plant project we're loving.

When we get our feet on the ground, we love to run. Not literally. We are terrible runners. Very slow.

In other news, John has taken on a position with The Well, a coffee shop based in Alliston and run by our church. This project keeps him occupied from 6:30 AM - 2:30 PM, so we have plenty of time to meet with clients in the evenings and shoot weddings on the weekend. The Well is a community-based shop that is primarily volunteer run and offers free counselling services, a benevolence program, and youth outreach workshops as well as a great place to hang out and some pretty fantastic pourover coffee and gluten-free treats baked fresh every day. Come visit us there!

With John at The Well, I'm still full-time on New Vintage Media. I hang back with the girls who are bundles of energy - really, they're intense, and it's awesome - and devote naptimes, evenings and weekends with John to shooting weddings, meeting with clients, editing photos, and helping plan the perfect wedding day. I also got a dreadlock because I thought, hey, don't I need something else that requires a lot of work? #worthit

Well, there's our life update! If you're interested in some high quality vintage style wedding photo or cinema, find out how we can work together by checking us out at www.newvintagemedia.ca

Our personal instagram is instagram.com/_butlers if you want to follow along.


- Sam